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Eccellenza Italiana
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Disposable Towel
Prodotte nel cuore del distretto cartario lucchese, le salviette monouso pratici ed efficienti.
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Passione e competenza dal 1987

Una storia votata alla ricerca dell’eccellenza e della qualità, con una nuova e spiccata vocazione al mercato internazionale.

Products & Services

Fast, high-performing, tailored solutions.
This has always been our production objective.


Disposable tissue

Stainless steel and aluminium

Private Label

We put at your disposal our production capacity and flexibility we have developed over the years, as well as the customisation ease ensured by our technologies. 

Handcrafted detail, state-of-the-art instrumentation, flexibility and safety

For us, made in Italy means quality, high specialisation, distinction and style. 


We invests in developing green technologies enabling our consumers to contribute to a healthier world every day. We always make decisions to reduce our activity environmental impact while ensuring healthy ecosystems

Quality & Sustainability

Available soon

More is Less::a new way to stock.

NEWS // 20/01/2021

Absolute precision, flexibility and customization, even with a few pieces.

Passion and competence since 1987


Gentile Utente,
tutti i contenuti del sito Dental Market srl, relativi a dispositivi medici, medico-diagnostici in vitro e presidi medico-chirurgici, quali testi, immagini, foto, filmati, animazioni, disegni, allegati e quant’altro, non hanno carattere di natura pubblicitaria.
Tutti i contenuti devono intendersi e sono di natura informativa, rivolta esclusivamente ad operatori professionali.
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Dear User,
all the contents relating to medical devices, in the Dental Market web-site – as texts, images, photos, movie, drawings, enclosed and everything else – they are not for commercial purposes.
All the subjects are referred to professional operators.
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